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The Priestly Life

1Every high priest is a man chosen to represent other people in their dealings with God. He presents their gifts to God and offers sacrifices for their sins. 2And he is able to deal gently with ignorant and wayward people because he himself is subject to the same weaknesses. 3That is why he must offer sacrifices for his own sins as well as theirs.

4And no one can become a high priest simply because he wants such an honor. He must be called by God for this work, just as Aaron was. - Hebrews 5:1-4 -

Do you find it difficult to forgive someone or love someone who you believed has wrong you? The writer of the Hebrews reminds us that God has given you the ability to forgive and work with the person. The calling of God in your life allows you to have sympathy and empathy for those who have hurt you. It isn’t to say that you will forget, yet it does mean that you have closed up that hurt to never bring it up again because it’s given to Christ.

Christian in our weakness of wanting honor and fame, we’ll always fail to forgive and love those who have hurt us or disobeys our instructions. If we are to deal with hard people and bring them to Christ, surrendering ourselves to Christ is first and foremost. It is only then that forgiveness can flow from within to them and the love Christ experienced. God calls us to live a life like the “High Priest” dealing kindly and gently with people. In this way, you are pointing them towards Christ.

Rev. Kevin Her

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